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Kelly Crandle

Parks and Open Spaces Consultant

I’m a specialist with a great passion for strategic, management and operational aspects of open spaces – strategy right through to expression in policy, plans, designs, budgets and operational contracts.  I have 30 years of experience working in the open space and recreation sectors. Most of my work has been in a local government context. Previous roles include Head of Parks and Reserves, Hutt City Council, and Waterfront and City Parks Manager, Wellington City Council.

I have a thorough understanding of the legislative requirements Councils must meet in their management of open spaces. I also understand cemeteries, wharves and play.    

The most recent projects I have led include: the Reserves Investment Strategy 2023, an investment of $25M into open space projects from Reserve Financial Contribution revenue; Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy 2023, a local response to NPS-IB to guide District Plan review and reserves CAPEX programme; and the Asset Management Plan 2023 rewrite plan to inform Draft Long Term Plan and assets strategy.

I approach my work pragmatically, with a clear understanding that communities need enough quality open spaces nearby that truly offer worthwhile benefits. Solutions for clients need to be smart from an asset management perspective and affordable.


Bachelor of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Lincoln University 

Certificate of Sport and Recreation Facility Management, Christchurch Polytechnic Institute

Thrive Spaces and Places

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Offices in: Auckland | Cambridge | Tauranga | Christchurch | Queenstown | Costa Rica 

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